Sunday, November 10, 2013

The Great Catch Up....

Wow! We have been so busy lately, I've forgotten to take pictures of the majority of our work however, this week it was my goal to take pictures.  Hang on tight for a giant picture dump.

This was a magical day in teaching. I gave the kids a little booklet to color and turned on some classical music and BOOM silence!  I just had to take a few pictures, I wish you could hear how quietly they were all working.

On Halloween we had a little visit from our local Tooth Fairy.  The kids were so well behaved!  Sadly she passed out pencils instead of toothbrushes, but whateves!
My sweet girlies.  My oldest was a candy witch and my youngest was Jasmine, with strep throat.  Yep, I was that bad mom that sent her to school thinking it would pass, gave her tylenol before trick or treating and then had Daddy take her to the doctor the following day when she wasn't getting better.  Oops, I had NO clue she had strep!  
Hubby and I ditched the girlies and headed to Phoenix to see The Lion King!  It was a dream come true!  We decided to go for our anniversary (which was back in June) it was a magical night!  And we managed to bust out some major Christmas shopping!

My kiddos have been really getting personal with numbers lately.  I pick a number and we find as many ways as possible to represent the given number.  This day I decided that we needed to make number turkeys (even if they look more like flowers).  I wrote a different number on everyone's turkey and they had to use the feathers to represent that number.  I was pretty darn impressed with how well my kiddos did!

We took a little trip across the street to the Fire Station.  The kids (and teachers) LOVE this field trip!  This year we had a great group of guys that let the kids explore all areas of the fire station, showed us melted smoke alarms, let us crawl under "smoke" where the fresh air was.  They ended the visit with a walk through of the fire truck!  This was sort of a crazy morning for us teachers, one of our 1st grade classes didn't get a sub so we split that class amongst the other 4 classes so we went on our field trip with 6 extra kids each.
I finally finished my November Sight Word phrases, got them laminated and cut apart. I can't wait to start using them next week.

Finally, Friday was our Veteran's Day assembly.  They invite local Veteran's, the Kindergartens march around with their flags and sing You're a Grand 'Ol Flag, our 2nd graders wrote letters to Veteran's and the girls choir sang some beautiful songs. The last picture is of my dad that my oldest drew.  In 5th grade they have to do an interview with a Veteran and draw their Veteran so this was her project hanging in the hall.

Whew! You survived the epic photo dump.