Monday, July 21, 2014

Number of the Day Books

So today I made the dreaded trip to school to officially "kick off" work.  Teachers go back Aug. 4th, but I have some serious anxiety attacks at night (the hubby hates them, then stays up all night keeping watch over me) and it's just no fun for anyone if I don't get started early.

Today the hubby was on shift so I thought it'd be a perfect time to drag my two helpers along and put them to work.

My oldest daughter is going into middle school (sniff, sniff) and was a terrific helper today!  I'm so going miss having her at my school, she's been at my school since Kinder :(  Sadsville! youngest thought it was cool to hang out in the lunch tub....*gag* (thankfully the custodian washed it out over summer)

ANYWHO.....I went to work to make my Number of the Day books for my kiddos.
I spent the greater part of my morning copying them so I could hole punch and bind them.  I went a little OCD on them and made every 10th page a color.
This is the cover....if you've purchased this packet, please go and re-download it so you get the cover page.  I'll let the kiddos color it on the first day of school.

Each page has the number word, a space to write the numerals, a number bond, 10-more, 10-less, 1-more, 1-less frame, ten frames, tens/ones columns, and a place to write addition and subtraction problems.  
I plan to do our number of the day whole group and then let the kids do it in their books.
And the finished product! It feels SOOOO good to have this marked off of my to-do list!  I pray I sleep well tonight.  Go check it out at TpT: Number of the day.
And right when you think it was a good idea to bring your kids and use them as free labor....I heard "Mom, Mom, look, I'm a floating head.....take a picture"   OY VEY!!!

Monday, July 14, 2014

Vegas Baby!

So I was able to talk my sweet friend and teammate into going to Vegas with me for the I Teach 1st! conference.  It was A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!!!!  We both walked away with so many great ideas and memories.  I was SUPER DUPER thrilled to meet some of the bloggers that I've been following for a few year, and I was even excited to spot a few across the room.

We drove to Vegas and once we toted our crap (sure with the men were there for that part) ALL through the Canal shops AND through the Casino, we finally found check in and got up to our room.  After making a few trips to the car (yes we hauled that much stuff with us) we went to the conference to get our stuff.  We were full of all sorts of nervous excitement!  I mean.....2 moms, kid and husband free in VEGAS!

Yes we had to pose for a cute photo op.  Thank's SDE for a great opportunity.
We ventured out on the strip and made it out of Sephora just in time for the volcano at the Mirage to erupt.  So cool!  We were all about the free entertainment.
This is the beautiful view (aside from the nasty roof top below) from our room up on the 23rd floor.

We made it to the keynote speaker, Marc Brown, author of Arthur, with plenty of time to take a selfie. 
After an amazing day learning we did a little shopping in the exhibit hall and spotted Greg from, go check out his page for some great ideas.
On Wednesday night we went to the blogger meet up.....holy cow!  It was filled with superstars whom I admire and want to me like one day.  It was also PACKED with people, to the point of shouting at each other to talk, but it was nothing shy of amazing.

I was able to meet Rachelle from and she's also known from for losing 100 pounds on her fitness journey.  This gal is so super sweet and full of life....again, I kindda wanna be like her when I grow up.

And this gal....O-M-G....celebrity sighting!  This is my new friend (hope she's ok with that) Kristin from   I have been reading her blog for probably 2 years now and she is a hoot!  Kelly and I totally want her to join our team because she is just that amazing.  Again, so super sweet and down to earth.

These are some fellow bloggers from Arizona. I look forward to meeting up with these ladies again.  It was so busy and loud, we didn't really get a chance to chat...soon we will!

And THANK YOU for our little treat!  It calmed the nerves!
After the blogger meet up we decided that we needed some dessert!  We had the best chocolate cheesecake and cake ever!
This week Kelly and I gained so much knowledge, new friends and became so much closer. I am so thankful that you are on my team Kel....until next year!  #KellyandAmberDoVegas

Friday, July 11, 2014

Holy Whirlwind Batman!!!

To say this summer has been busy is a bit of an understatement!  I started my summer with 1 quiet, peaceful, unplanned week.  Week 2 I took a very intensive math class, ALL day EVERY day.  Weeks 3-6 we went on a road trip to West Virginia and finally week 7 I was in Vegas for the I Teach 1st! Conference.  Right now my head is spinning knowing that I only have 3 weeks left of summer.  3 weeks to cram everything in and to prep for the school year.

At the 1st grade conference I learned so many new tricks and tips that I need to spend a whole day just rereading my notes and blog hopping to remember it all.  I'm pretty sure that might happen tomorrow, in my PJ's and in my bed.

I will be posting some of my new ideas, so keep checking back.  I will also post a few of the pics from Vegas and vacation.

...Off to do laundry and grocery shopping...oh the joy!

Thursday, March 27, 2014

March is Over Already?!?!?!

Oh-EMM-GEE!!! I can NOT believe that March is done-zo!  I have 2 months left with one of my favorite classes.  2 months to cram their little brains full of info.  2 months to get my act together and pull off our class play....AKKK!!!!!

Anywho, as I sit here and freak let me share with you a few things that I created over spring break and that my kiddos have been enjoying.

My class has really enjoyed reading their Fry Phrases.  I've dolled them up for each holiday and by-golly they think it's something fancy (plus I hype them up about what amazing readers they are and how reading these daily will help our brains).  I made the first and second 100 sets for April.  (click on the picture to head to my store)

Next up, I created addition and subtraction puzzles for my kiddos.  I needed my kids to practice their fluency with addition and subtraction so I figured, why not?

A few of my babes have been struggling with the basics so I made number and ten-frame matching puzzles, capital and lowercase letter puzzles, and beginning sound puzzles.  They really enjoyed putting the puzzles together and it was a really good quick assessment for me.  I plan to use them at the beginning of the year next year as a quick assessment, yet they think they're just playing a game.

Oh and as a wee little (secret) treat for me, I ordered a new Vera Bradley computer bag...shhh! Don't tell the hubby!

It was a wonderful and productive spring break....9 1/2 weeks left until S-U-M-M-E-R!

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

A Sale? Say WHAT!!!!

Teachers pay Teachers is having a sale!  Thursday Feb. 27-Friday Feb. 28th and my store will be on sale too.

I'm super excited to put my "Number of the Day" on sale!  I use this packet with my class daily.  I do a whole group lesson on our number and we look closer at the number. Together we write the number, the word for the number, tally the number, decide if it's odd or even, we do tens/ones for the number also.  (Of course, I deleted the picture before I downloaded it, grrr) 

There's also a lot of other great products for sale, check them out!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

A Super Bowl Sale!!!

I honor of the super bowl tomorrow I'm throwing a sale!

Click above to get to my store (fingers crossed I linked it correctly).

Sunday, January 26, 2014


As I sit here, reflecting back on the past 3 weeks of school since Christmas break I am reminded about the art and craft of teaching.  I have a student teacher right now who is trudging along.  It has been a good reminder to myself of what a blank slate I was 10 years ago when I was student teaching and a pat on the back of how far I've come.

When a teacher stands up in front of her students, we don't really "think" about teaching as a step-by-step process, for that matter we don't really "think" it just comes naturally.  My students know my different tones of voice, they know my expectations, they know my routines, they know all of my favorite things, they know ME!

I have to remember that we, as teachers, had to start somewhere.  One day  I hope my student teacher will be able to reflect on her career as I have been doing lately and feel successful about it.

Even though I have the frustrations of new expectations, more work load, naughty kids, kids who don't have stable homes, helicopter parents, I can proudly say.....I AM A TEACHER and I L-O-V-E my job!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

100 Days Smarter!!

I simply can NOT believe that my students are 100 days smarter already!  This year I seriously have the best class ever!  I'm a little sad that my year is more than half way over.  This is the first year in many that I have not had any serious behavior problems.  I have a great group of high, middle, and a few babes that we're working on.  I have truly been blessed! (Especially after last year was one that made me question my career choice)

Anywho, yesterday was the 100th day.  Normally it's a Kindergarten "thing" and first graders just get a little pouty and reflect on how awesome Kinder was and how badly we want to go back to Kinder for the day.  Meanwhile Mrs. Burns is usually like, UGH 80 more days!!!!  Well this year I have a student teacher so I put her in charge of finding something small to do with the class.  They made little booklets about the 100 things they'd do if...  We got a surprise visitor at the end of the day.  Our principal came around and passed out $100 bill bookmarks and celebrated students with perfect attendance thus far....sad to say, the plague loves my classroom, so I only had 1 child with perfect attendance.

All in all, I must say, I'm pretty proud of my blooming firsties and how far they've come this year.  It was a scary start looking at their test scores coming to me.  

Cheers to 80 more day!!!!!

Sunday, January 5, 2014


Cheers to 2014!  WHAT! That's just crazy talk, I can NOT believe it's already 2014!  So I've noticed everyone's writing resolutions and well, after a few days debating if I wanted to do this publicly or not, I decided to go for it.
First of all I will do the typical, "get healthy, lose weight, go to the gym more" resolution.  I must say that we joined the gym in June and I was great at going during the summer, then school hit and well....I'm lucky to go a few times a week.  I am a mom, I have 2 girls in after school and before school dance, AND I'm a firefighters wife....add all of that together and I'm pretty limited on my time at the gym.  SO my goal first off is to really get back and focus on my eating, not just shoving food in my face, THEN I plan to get my buns off this couch and hit the gym.
Second, I want to spend more time with my family.  I've realized that I'm too "plugged in" and often busy reading blogs and such and don't really listen to what they're saying.  I want to "be present" when they're awake.
Third, I really want to work on blogging at least once a week.  Again, I have a hard time sitting down and writing my own blog but I love read other's blogs.
I really could go on and on with what I want to do this year rather than what I should be doing.

I really feel that 2014 will be a great year!  I will focus on life more and enjoy the next 365 days!!!