Tuesday, April 23, 2013

It's a ZOO in there!

Today was one of my favorite days in first grade, the Phoenix Zoomobile came!  This is such a wonderful program, every spring they load up some of their critters and head North!  We live about 2 1/2 hours away from the zoo so not all of my students have had a chance to visit it.  This mobile program brings the animals to us and the best part is that it's FREE, so we tie it into our habitat unit.  Today's animals were all nocturnal. Here's some pics from our day...
 This gal is a crack up! She keeps her presentations so engaging and fun for the kids!

 This "cute" little fellow is Darth Vader the millipede. NASTY!

 My class was super excited about the Leopard Gecko because 2 of my students are Leopard Geckos in our class play, though they were not as thrilled once they found out that they eat mosquitos.

 I can not for the life of me remember what this little gal is, I do remember her name was Gloria but no clue what sort of critter.
All in all it was a fantastic day in 1st grade!

1 comment:

  1. I think Gloria is a Hedgehog, maybe? I wish I knew someone who lived close who had one- I would love to see one up close- looks like a great day!
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    Going Nutty!
