Sunday, January 26, 2014


As I sit here, reflecting back on the past 3 weeks of school since Christmas break I am reminded about the art and craft of teaching.  I have a student teacher right now who is trudging along.  It has been a good reminder to myself of what a blank slate I was 10 years ago when I was student teaching and a pat on the back of how far I've come.

When a teacher stands up in front of her students, we don't really "think" about teaching as a step-by-step process, for that matter we don't really "think" it just comes naturally.  My students know my different tones of voice, they know my expectations, they know my routines, they know all of my favorite things, they know ME!

I have to remember that we, as teachers, had to start somewhere.  One day  I hope my student teacher will be able to reflect on her career as I have been doing lately and feel successful about it.

Even though I have the frustrations of new expectations, more work load, naughty kids, kids who don't have stable homes, helicopter parents, I can proudly say.....I AM A TEACHER and I L-O-V-E my job!

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